
Reentry Programs for Community Corrections

GEO Reentry was selected by the Idaho Department of Correction to open non-residential reentry centers – called Connection and Intervention Stations in seven locations. These centers provide services for parolees throughout Idaho.

Together, Idaho’s CIS are designed to serve more than 2,000 program participants annually, offering evidence-based programming on behalf of the DOC to help participants break the cycle of repeat criminal behavior and turn their lives around.

Connection and Intervention Stations

GEO Reentry’s CIS locations help promote community reintegration, from participants’ orientation and assessment, to intensive monitoring during the program, to finally, aftercare services.

Participants at a CIS undergo multi-phase evidence-based programming that includes an individualized behavior change plan to address criminogenic risks and needs; access to community resources for employment, education, housing and more; case management and counseling; and classes that encourage them to confront their beliefs and practice pro-social decision-making.

Importantly, these programs combine in-person and technology-based services to help the DOC serve parolees across the state. This unique approach allows program staff to maintain ongoing contact with participants to monitor their progress through the program.